Trademark Disclaimer


 Our company, as a third-party provider of replacement parts, is not affiliated with any product or manufacturer. The trademarks such as Apple, iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, iPod, Mac, Samsung, and Galaxy are registered trademarks of their respective owners. We use these trademarks only to identify the compatibility of repair or replacement parts with our customers' products. Our company sources high-quality replacement parts for various products, including but not limited to, Apple, Samsung, LG, and Motorola products. All trademarks used on our website are the properties of their respective holders. Our company does not claim ownership of these trademarks. By using our site, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this trademark disclaimer. If you do not understand or agree to this disclaimer, our privacy policy, or our terms and conditions, please refrain from using our site. Your continued use of our site after changes have been made to this policy indicates your acceptance of those changes.